OV7670 connections:
VSYNC - PIN2XCLCK - PIN3 (must be level shifted from 5V -> 3.3V)PCLCK - PIN12SIOD - A4 (I2C data) - 10K resistor to 3.3VSIOC - A5 (I2C clock) - 10K resistor to 3.3VD0..D3 - A0..A3 (pixel data bits 0..3)D4..D7 - PIN4..PIN7 (pixel data bits 4..7)3.3V - 3.3VRESET - 3.3VGND - GNDPWDN - GND
1.8" TFT connections:
DC - PIN8 (5V -> 3.3V)CS - PIN9 (5V -> 3.3V)RESET - PIN10 (5V -> 3.3V)SPI data - PIN11 (5V -> 3.3V)SPI clock - PIN13 (5V -> 3.3V)VCC - 5V/3.3V (depending on jumper position on the TFT board)BL - 3.3VGND - GND
Special thanks to:- https://github.com/ComputerNerd/ov7670-no-ram-arduino-uno & https://circuitjournal.com/arduino-ov7670-10fps